(on the example of anti-Armenian manifestations)


  • Arshak Gevorgyan Yerevan State University




Necip Fazıl Kısakürek, Xenophobia, Denialism, Islamic Conservatism, anti-Armenian Sentiment, Ethnic Minorities in Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan


The paper explores the ideological framework put forth by the unwavering Islamist ideologue Necip Fazıl Kısakürek and argues that his vision of the 'Great East' has, for decades, served as an archetype for out-group derogation directed towards non-Turkish minorities. Having revitalized Islam as a symbol of identity and a primary source for political thought, Kısakürek appeared to advocate policies of ethnic cleansing towards non-Muslim minority groups.

The article underscores the enduring impact of Kisakurek's ideas on Turkish politics and the evolution of Islamic conservatism in Turkey. It contends that the current Turkish president has been heavily influenced by Kisakurek and much of Erdoğan’s populist political repertoire has been shaped by his ideology. Moreover, even in Erdoğan's treatment of ethnic minorities, a subtle influence of Kısakürek's ideas is noticeable.

By examining Kisakurek's pivotal work —"Ideological Network," alongside his literary and publicistic contributions, the study seeks to uncover the manifestations of anti-Armenian sentiment. Overall, Necip Fazıl’s overarching approach towards minorities can be succinctly encapsulated in his openly xenophobic slogan: “You either become one of us, or you simply depart from us!"


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How to Cite

Gevorgyan, A. (2024). N. F. KISAKÜREK’S VISION OF THE ‘GREAT EAST’ AS AN ARCHETYPE OF XENOPHOBIA WITHIN CONTEMPORARY TURKISH ISLAMIC-CONSERVATIVE DISCOURSE: (on the example of anti-Armenian manifestations). Journal of Oriental Studies, 24(2), 332–347. https://doi.org/10.46991/jos.2023.24.2.332