Translation, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Intercultural Communication, Vocabulary, Grammar, Dıctionary, Word Order, Media LiteracyAbstract
In the framework of professional communication, the concept of translation is characterized as interlingual and intercultural mediation, a type of communication in oral and written format, during which the content of the text is presented in another language, and the degree of relevance and accuracy of the translation largely depends on the problem faced by the translator. During translation, there is not only contact between two languages, but also between two cultures. From this point of view, the interaction between Armenian and Azerbaijani is unique in its nature, taking into account the unfriendly relations between the peoples who speak these languages, to put it mildly. In that context, it is important to state that the differences between the two languages require greater professionalism from the translator to perform high-quality, high-level translation work. The purpose of this work is to show the methods and means, thanks to which the translator will more easily fulfill the task before him and overcome the problems and difficulties that arise during the work. Linguistics also plays an important role in translation, and mastering the nuances of linguistics in both languages is also very important in translation. Despite the above-mentioned differences, nevertheless, in various fields, particularly in the information field, specialists often perform appropriate translations from Azerbaijani to Armenian and from Armenian to Azerbaijani both in written and oral formats. Considering that this work is the first attempt of a comparative study between two languages in the field of translation, a neutral reference to the problems that appear during similar translation works will help specialists in organizing their work more efficiently and qualitatively. Despite the differences between the two languages, the work highlighted the main common features and patterns that will help to perform the translation work faster, more competently and in accordance with the accepted standards.
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