
  • Lilit Safrastyan Yerevan State University




Paris , Cultural Studies, City, Fiction, Iran, Diaspora, Exile, Experience, Alienation


The city is a dynamic system that is constantly in motion. As a historical and cultural phenomenon, the city has found its expression in artistic literature. For centuries, writers from around the world, carrying their native cities within themselves on their paths of exile. They have discovered new cities that have become harbingers of joy and sorrow in their destinies. The literary image of Paris appeared in American and Russian literature in the 1920s and 1930s. In their works, exiled writers depicted the city's national character, urban environment, lifestyle, as well as the 'spirit' of the city. In the literary reflections of Iranian exile writers, Paris loses its artistic quality and emerges as a geographical record of the pain and alienation experienced by immigrants in the diaspora.


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How to Cite

XX CENTURY PARIS IN THE LIFE OF AN IRANIAN EXILE WRITER. (2024). Journal of Oriental Studies, 25(1), 16-30. https://doi.org/10.46991/jos.2024.25.1.016