
  • Gor Hovhannisyan Yerevan State University



Islam, Nationalism, Nationalist Movement Party, Alparslan Turkesh, Turkish-Islamic synthesis, Kenan Evren


In the second half of the 20th century, the idea of ​​Turkish-Islamic synthesis emerged in the political field of Turkey, which was the fusion of Turkish nationalism and Islamic values. Originally practiced in the second half of the 1960s by the Nationalist Action Party led by Alparslan Türkeş, the synthesis aimed to create unity in the face of political and social polarization. In 1980 the military coup was pivotal in the context of the reshaping of the synthesis, as the military government began to take active steps to adopt the Turkish-Islamic synthesis and use it in the fight against leftist forces and to maintain social balance. In the article, we tried to study the development of the synthesis from the NAP to its formal adoption by the military government, paying attention to the cornerstones of the process, the socio-political context of the events and its impact on the Turkish society.


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How to Cite

THE TURKISH-ISLAMIC SYNTHESIS: FROM POLITICAL ADVENTURISM TO NATIONAL STRATEGY (1960’S TO 1983). (2024). Journal of Oriental Studies, 25(1), 192-215.