NAA, f.412, l. 1, work 2316, p. 1-4.
Treaty of Sèvres, Western Armenia, National House, Allied Powers, Legal Document, Delimitation, Arbitral AwardAbstract
Articles 88-93 of the Treaty of Sevres, signed on August 10, 1920, restored the rights of the Armenian people to a part of their homeland, which was Western Armenia. The mentioned articles of the Treaty of Sèvres de jure recognized not only the Republic of Armenia, including the Armenian provinces of Transcaucasia, but also the United Armenia, including Eastern and Western Armenia. The signatory countries, including the Turkish state defeated in World War I, recognized the independence of United Armenia and agreed to expand Armenia's borders to include most of the territories of the provinces of Erzurum, Van and Bitlis, as well as part of the province of Trabzon, thereby securing Armenia's access to the Black Sea. The publication presents several key points about the Treaty of Sèvres, which marked the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and aimed to divide its territories between the allied states. Alas, it did not come to life.
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