Vectorality as a functional side of the Media language in the era of digitalization




Vector, international communication, media language, media linguistics, globalization, digitalization


This article is devoted to the relevance of studying the vector development of the language of mass media against the background of globalization and digitalization of modern society. The relevance of this study is dictated by the possibility of correcting a person's perception of information in the process of acquiring the necessary knowledge when interacting with foreign language sources, taking into account his cognitive abilities. The focus is on the implementation of the functional side of the media language. A special place in the study is occupied by the use of certain cognitive and communicative-speech strategies of the author / recipient in the process of generation and transmission, as well as the perception of the text, respectively, i.e. the establishment and use of a certain vector taking into account the communicative-pragmatic and psychological openness of the text. The vector approach will help to minimize the risks associated with the distortion of the original information. The main feature of the vector is that it represents a certain structure, including linguistic consciousness, a kind of model not only of cognition, but also of verbalization of what is happening in the surrounding world.

Author Biography

Nadeshda Shiryaeva, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Nadeshda V. Shiryaeva

Associate Professor of German Language Department, Ph.D. (Philology). Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia



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