The problem of tolerance as a Sociocultural Norm in the Conditions of Anomie
tolerance, sociocultural norm, anomie, uncertainly, social system, globalization, freedomAbstract
In modern societies, radical transformations of the social system often lead to economic, political, social, cultural and other destructive phenomena, a circumstance that makes inevitable the socio-philosophical analysis of the problem of the relationship between tolerance and anomie. The socio-philosophical analysis of tolerance as a socio-cultural norm in the conditions of anomie has not only theoretical but also practical significance. In the conditions of globalization, modern societies adopt qualitatively new characteristics - chaotic behavior, indeterminacy, unpredictability, which become the main reasons of fragmentation of social systems. As a result, a new type of social system emerges, which is well known as "anomie". Anomie (French: anomie - illegal, without norm,) is a condition of social systems, characterized by disorganization, indeterminacy, indecisiveness of the social institution and defined by an uprooting of any moral values, norms and standard for individuals to follow. The term, commonly understood to mean normless, is believed to have been popularized by the French sociologist and philosopher Emile Durkheim in his famous book Suicide in 1893.
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