"Together Loneliness" as a Phenomenon of the Information Society
information society, loneliness, smartphone, communication, social media, small talk, ethical design, information bubbleAbstract
Digital technologies promise to unite people, but they often have the opposite effect, deepening the feeling of loneliness. Constant online presence through social media and instant messaging leads to superficial, meaningless interactions. This situation creates a unique paradox: "together loneliness," where people feel isolated even in the midst of large city crowds or on the most active internet platforms, despite the presence of digital connections.
The article not only examines the social and psychological consequences of digital alienation but also highlights the philosophical aspects of the loneliness problem. Special attention is paid to the impact of digital technologies on teenagers. The constant use of smartphones and social media reduces the frequency and quality of personal interactions, hindering the development of empathy, self-analysis, and emotional self-expression skills. As a result, teenagers often avoid communicating in real life, preferring digital interactions, which further deepens the feeling of loneliness and social isolation.
The article proposes multi-layered solutions to the problem, including measures implemented at different levels of society. These are aimed at restoring direct human interactions and preventing further deepening of digital disconnection, with the goal of reaffirming the importance of real, meaningful connections in our digitized world.
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