About Problems of Ethnic Tolerance


  • Lina Mikaelyan Yerevan State University




The problem of ethnic tolerance in the scientific context is rather young. However, if we try to find its historical origins, we will have to refer to the famous story of the mixing of languages at the Tower of Babel. Strictly speaking, the problem of acceptance of other cultures, creation of a positive or at least neutral attitude towards other languages and cultures is always up to date. The problem of ethnic tolerance, development of positive personal attitude to other cultures has two important aspects: firstly, learning a different ethnic culture, the individual is able to fully realize his own culture, and secondly, the process of learning different ethno-cultural realities promotes one’s social development. The denial of other ethnic cultures ends up creating a stable platform for misunderstandings of one’s own culture. And only the person, who is able to generate positive attitude towards other cultures, is able to create for himself an adequate ethnic identity



How to Cite

Mikaelyan, L. (2013). About Problems of Ethnic Tolerance. Bulletin of Yerevan University E: Philosophy, Psychology, 4(2), 81–79. https://doi.org/10.46991/BYSU:E/2013.4.2.071


