Israel and the Fundamental Question of Armenian Genocide Recognition




Armenia, USA, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan, politics, diplomacy, South Caucasus, Holocaust, partnership relations, rethinking of politics, reformulation


This article aims to reevaluate and reassess as much as possible the principles of Israel’s policy regarding the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, its consequences, and the factors hindering the recognition. Particular emphasis is made on the development of Armenian-Israeli relations in the field of economic and technological cooperation. In the context of the geopolitical events that have taken place in recent years, the necessity of reinterpreting these relations in the region by increasing the role and influence of third countries is emphasized. Israel’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide has moral, political and civilizational importance from the point of view of developing relations between the two nations and establishing justice.

Author Biographies

  • Edik Minasyan, Yerevan State University

    Doctor of History, Professor, Dean of YSU History Faculty

  • Alik Gharibyan, Yerevan State University

    PhD of History, Associate Professor, Yerevan State University

  • Gayane Galstyan, Yerevan State University

    scientific employee, Yerevan State University


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