Military-sociological Methodology of Measuring Leadership in a Military Team. Application of the Sociometric Method in the RA Armed Forces


  • Armen Khachikyan National Defense Research University of the RA Ministry of Defense


Armenian army, armed forces, military sociology, military-sociological research, military team, sociometry, military leadership


The issue of leadership among servicemen in the Armed Forces is subject to multifactorial, comprehensive measurement, for the purpose of which this article is based on military-sociological methodology, and thus the sociometric method is applied. The importance of sociometric studies in the RA Armed Forces is conditioned especially by the fact that the mixed principle of recruitment (combination of conscription and contract principles), as well as the combination of formal and informal groups, leadership models in the military staff and relative conflicts create the need to constantly monitor and manage the human factor of social processes taking place within the army. The application of the method made it possible to find the measurement of leadership among servicemen, identifying informal leaders.

Author Biography

Armen Khachikyan, National Defense Research University of the RA Ministry of Defense

Scientist-Analyst, the National Defense Research University of the RA Ministry of Defense; Lecturer, Brusov State University, Yerevan,




