Romance, Persian Literature, Epic Poetry, Epic, Love Story, Nizamian Romance, «Vis and Ramin», «Shahname»Abstract
Fakhreddin Gorgani's poem "Vis and Ramin" occupies a special place in the development of the Persian romance genre.The increasing role of the author's life experience and artistic tricks in it further emphasizes the circumstance of the genre's establishment. Unlike the schematic structure of the love stories of the heroic epic, the plot of the story is woven around the relationships between individuals. The course of action that drives the main conflict is determined by the characters' temperaments, not societal-scale phenomena. With the problems it poses, it fundamentally solves the question of the integrity of the beginning and the conclusion characteristic of the structure of the genre. Gorgani, using the experience of his predecessors in the Ghaznavian period, raised the love-related works to a new level, paving the way for the masterpieces of his great successor, NizamiGanjavi. The poem "Vis and Ramin" with its artistic solutions is a unique connecting link between Shahnameh love stories and Nizami's romances.
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