Problems of Change Management in Commercial Banks in the Context of the Berk-Litwin Model


  • Anna Hakobjanyan Yerevan State University
  • Narine Mirzoyan Yerevan State University



change management, commercial banks, transformational factors, transactional factors, individual factors, Burke-Litwin model, system approach, comprehensive process, control mechanism, evaluation of results


The purpose of this article is to propose a comprehensive process of change implementation and management, taking into account the existing problems of the mentioned process in the analysed commercial banks of RA. In order to achieve the objective, analyses were conducted in 6 commercial banks. As a result of the analyses, the article presents a process for implementing and managing new or changing processes and products with sequential actions, then justifies and presents the mechanism for implementing each action. Given the multifactorial impact of recent geopolitical changes on the banking system, as well as the fact that commercial banks use individual factors of the Burke-Litwin model in the process of implementation and change management, it is appropriate to consider the problem in the context of three-level interrelated factors. Based on the results of the analysis, the fact that commercial banks use individual elements of the above model, considering them effective, it was proposed to implement change management in the banking system using the Burke-Litwin model, as it allows to consider the problem at three levels (transformational, transactional, individual) in a set of interrelated factors, with a systematic approach. Accordingly, the article presents a comprehensive process of change implementation and management.

Author Biographies

Anna Hakobjanyan, Yerevan State University

Candidate in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of Business and Management, Head of Marketing Master′s Program, YSU 

Narine Mirzoyan, Yerevan State University

Candidate in Economics, Associate Professor at the Chair of Business and Management, Head of Management Bachelor′s Program, YSU


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How to Cite

Hakobjanyan, A., & Mirzoyan, N. (2023). Problems of Change Management in Commercial Banks in the Context of the Berk-Litwin Model. Bulletin of Yerevan University G: Economics, 14(2 (41), 24–32.


