Improvement of financial results budgeting in the CSR contents


  • Qnarik Khachatryan Armenian State University of Economics



revenues and expenses , estimates , budgeting , sustainable development , business value chain , responsibility centers , corporate social responsibility


Budgeting for financial results has traditionally been considered the preparation of cost and revenue estimates with responsibility centers in an organization. However, currently it covers a wider range, taking into account not only the internal but also the external value chain of the business. Currently, the value of organizations is not only evaluated by financial indicators, but also takes into account the responsibility of business from the point of view of ensuring public interests. The article makes recommendations for budgeting improvement of financial results, based on the requirements of companies  corporate social obligations. 

Author Biography

  • Qnarik Khachatryan, Armenian State University of Economics

    PhD, Lecturer, Department of Managerial accounting and audit, ASUE


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How to Cite

Khachatryan, Q. (2024). Improvement of financial results budgeting in the CSR contents. Bulletin of Yerevan University G: Economics, 15(1 (43), 51-56.