Peculiarities of Termination of Employment Relations with an Employer's Representative at the Initiative of the Employer


  • Armen Haykyants Yerevan State University
  • Mane Karapetyan



Termination of employment contract, representative of the employer, employer initiative, judicial practice, joint-Stock Company, working status, foreign and international experience


The topic of the Article is dedicated to the institute of termination of
employment relations with the employer's representative. The special role of the employer's representative, as a subject of labor law, characterizes the uniqueness of his/her
status, as a result of which both general and special regulations of the labor legislation
are applied in relations with him/her. In this context, it is obvious that unlike other employees of the organization, the employment legal status of the employer's representative is dualistic, since, on the one hand, he/she enters into employment contracts on
behalf of the employer or applies disciplinary measures as an example, and on the other
hand, he/she performs work and receives a salary. Within the scope of this Article, the
experience of foreign countries was studied, doctrinal approaches were referred to, and
the existing RA judicial practice on the issue was presented alongside with the practice
of the Republic of Armenia around the problem. Having completed the work, the authors proposed to legislate also the specifics of termination of employment relations
with an employer's representative, establishing the right of organizations to terminate an
employment contract concluded with an employer's representative without any grounds
and at any time.

Author Biographies

  • Armen Haykyants, Yerevan State University

    Sc. D. in Legal Sciences, Professor at the Chair of Civil Law, YSU

  • Mane Karapetyan

    Candidate of Juridical Sciences


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Civil Law

How to Cite

Haykyants, A. ., & Karapetyan, M. . (2022). Peculiarities of Termination of Employment Relations with an Employer’s Representative at the Initiative of the Employer. Bulletin of Yerevan University C: Jurisprudence, 13(1 (36), 3-11.