The Socio-Cultural Portrait оf the "Superfluous Man"


  • Ovsanna Nahapetyan Yerevan State Universityan



superfluous person, abandoned person, useless person, artificial intelligence, information technology, marginalization, consumer society


Modern man, caught up in the maelstrom of globalisation processes, has found himself on a path of forced, and sometimes voluntary, abandonment of his own sociality. If we take into account that sociality as a fundamental feature of human existence, as a culture created by human activity, manifests itself in social production, in the management of social life, in social relations and contacts (intersubjectivity), finally in the various manifestations of everyday life (biosphere), it is easy to see that the processes of contemporary globalisation make socialism just as global. But it is not hard to see and to see that, in the end, such states as alienation, marginalization, impersonality, redundancy, etc., have become satellites of our everyday life. They are the result of value diversity, social fragmentation, ethnic discrimination, uncertainty of personal role, and often define and determine a person's everyday life. People are often alienated from society, falling by the wayside as socio-cultural patterns, values and norms prevent them from realising their immediate needs. The article considers a number of questions related to the socio-cultural portrait of the "superfluous man", the civilizational preconditions for his formation, and the "consequences" of his possible nationality on social processes.

Author Biography

Ovsanna Nahapetyan, Yerevan State Universityan

Assistant: YSU, Chair of  History and Theory of Philosophy  and  Logic, Lecturer


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How to Cite

Nahapetyan, O. (2022). The Socio-Cultural Portrait оf the "Superfluous Man" . Bulletin of Yerevan University E: Philosophy, Psychology, 13(2 (38), 40–50.

