Sustainability in the Context of Intergenerational Relations


  • Hamlet Simonyan Yerevan State Universityan



sustainability, production of stability, future generations, responsibility, intergenerational justice, social institutions, fundamental equality, just savings principle


The article analyzes the applicability of the idea of sustainability in the context of intergenerational relations. The production of sustainability in the chaotic reality of modern processes of globalization and socio-cultural transformations has a direct impact on both the current and the future state of social systems. In recent years, the issue of the well-being of future generations has been actively discussed in a number of different scientific fields․ The establishment of future-oriented social institutions, the adoption and development of appropriate strategic mechanisms are crucial issues in the frames of above-mentioned discussions. In this context, the thoughts of saving for future generations as well as providing them with equal opportunities are relevant. Therefore, it is attempted in this article to reveal the correlation between sustainability and responsibility for future generations, show the role and significance of sustainability in providing prosperous life conditions to future generations. In this regard, the article also refers to J. Rawls’ just savings principle, as well as the ideas of sustainability and intergenerational justice in B. Barry’s philosophical views.

Author Biography

  • Hamlet Simonyan, Yerevan State Universityan

    Master's Student at Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology, Department of Philosophy


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How to Cite

Simonyan, H. (2022). Sustainability in the Context of Intergenerational Relations. Bulletin of Yerevan University E: Philosophy, Psychology, 13(2 (38), 51-62.