Information-Psychological Impact as an Important Factor Determining the Degree of Combat Activity of Servicemen


  • Svetlana Baghdasaryan Yerevan state Universaty



servicemen, combat activity, information-psychological impact, modern wars, center of gravity, combat training, demoralization, violation of will, external and internal factors.


Significant increase in the role of information (psychological) actions and military importance of information and propaganda operations in modern warfare have fundamentally changed the nature of warfare, having the aim to influence the leadership of the enemy state, the state of mind of specific people, the moral and psychological state of the armed forces, as well as the positions and emotional state of the entire population with few resources, without the use of military force. It is no coincidence that in modern warfare "the center of gravity" became the intellectual abilities, emotional and volitional qualities of servicemen of the enemy's Armed Forces in order to reduce combat activity and the importance of the goal by creating a sense of moral exhaustion, incapability, anxiety, neuropsychological instability. The purpose of this article is to comprehensively study the role and significance of information-psychological influence in modern warfare, to demonstrate its impact on the combat activity of servicemen. To achieve the goal we used the following methods of interdisciplinary theoretical analysis: comparative, generalized, coordination. As a result of the study we came to the conclusion that in modern warfare the outreach and psychological activities are of paramount importance, which makes it possible to achieve the desired end state with few resources even before the start of hostilities. One of the important factors contributing to the increase of combat activity of servicemen, reliability of information and protection from negative information-psychological impact can be realized in the course of battle, including psychological training.

Author Biography

Svetlana Baghdasaryan, Yerevan state Universaty

Academic degree . PhD in Psychology,

Workplace and position. Senior laboratory assistant of the Armenian National Security Research and Forecasting Group of YSU Institute of Armenian Studies,

Research Fellow, Center for Research on Strategic Leadership and Management, NDRU, MOD, RA



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How to Cite

Baghdasaryan, S. (2024). Information-Psychological Impact as an Important Factor Determining the Degree of Combat Activity of Servicemen. Bulletin of Yerevan University E: Philosophy, Psychology, 15(2 (44), 060–069.

