Russian-Armenian Agreement of August 10, 1920 and Military-Political Position of the Representations of the European Countries in Transcaucasia and the Republic of Armenia




Republic of Armenia, agreement, Russia, Entente, Turkey, allies, Treaty of Sevres


The Russian-Armenian treaty of 1920 was a test for Armenia in relations with its allies. Not wanting to lose Armenia as a bulwark against Bolshevism, the Allies took this agreement is in shambles.

The policy of the Armenian government was twofold; its inclination towards the West was obvious, because on the same day the Treaty of Sevres was signed, which left its mark on the agreement of August 10.

In fact, the agreement of August 10, 1920 was one of the successful diplomatic maneuvers of the Soviet side, since with it the issue of “disputed” territories was removed from the sphere of diplomacy of the Western powers.

Actually, the European “allies” of Armenia, dissatisfied with the agreement of August 10, were interested in Armenia only as an anti-Russian shield. In such a hopeless situation, the government of the Republic of Armenia responded to the coercion of Bolshevik Russia by temporarily transferring those territories to Russia, since there was a somewhat naive hope of returning these territories in the future, which was completely excluded if they were captured by Turkey.

Author Biography

Vanik Virabyan, Armenian State Pedagogical University named after Kh. Abovyan

Doctor of HistoryProfessor

Armenian State Pedagogical University named after Kh. Abovyan


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