Этические принципы

Ethical Rules for Publications in Proceedings of the YSU C: Geological and Geographical Sciences

The editorial board endeavors itself and encourages anyone who cooperates with Journal to adhere to the ethical standards accepted in the scientific community.

The Editorial Board assumes the following commitments:

The editor should acknowledge receipt of the submitted manuscripts within two working days of receipt and ensure an efficient, fair, and timely review process.

Editor should affirm the receiving of a submitted manuscript within five working days.

Editor should ensure a qualified, objective, confidential and timely process of reviewing.

Editor should not disclose the names of reviewers to third parties without their permission.

The editor should take all measures to ensure that the results presented in the peer-reviewed manuscript cannot be used before the publication.

Editor should refuse considering the manuscript if there is а clearly expressed conflict of interest between any of the authors or institutions associated with them.

Editor should respond promptly and take adequate measures in case of a controversial situation related to work accepted for publication or already published, with the participation of authors or other persons concerned.

Editor reserves the right to make a final decision on the publication of the manuscript, informing the author of his motives (opinion of reviewers, relevance for the journal, correspondence to its subject matter, conflict of interest etc.).

The editor should by no means make any effort to oblige the authors to cite his or her journal either as an implied or explicit condition of accepting their manuscripts for publication.

The editor should respond promptly and take reasonable measures when an ethical complaint occurs concerning a submitted manuscript or a published paper, and the editor should immediately contact and consult with the author. In these cases editors are obliged to publish a written formal retraction or correction when needed.

Prospective authors should adhere to the following rules:

The authors must refrain from submitting the manuscript, which was already published in other editions, as well as from submitting the identical material for publication in other journals.

In the introductory part of the manuscript the authors should try to specify a brief overview of the reported results and to indicate the significance of the work in the context of the affected themes.
Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable, so the submitted work must be original.

The authors should indicate explicitly all the results with sources that have been used in the manuscript and also declare any conflict(s) of interest.

The authors should express the gratitude to individuals and organizations that are directly or indirectly contributed to the work on the manuscript, preferably with an indication of their specific contribution, scientific, financial or any other.

The authors should refrain from linking to the journal as published/accepted until receiving from the editor a final decision to publish the submitted manuscript.

Editors should be sure that all the co-authors are familiar with the submitted version of the manuscript, have significantly contributed to the research, and have no objection to the publication.

The authors are obliged to answer to all comments of the reviewer and fully participate in peer review process.

The authors should immediately inform the editors of any obvious significant errors in the already published work, as well as collaborate with them in choosing the way of resolving the situation, up to withdraw the article or publish a correction. If a third party indicates the presence of errors, authors are obliged either to write a refutation, or to retract, or, in the case of agreement to make corresponding corrections.

The reviewer has the following responsibilities:

The reviewer, who for any reason (not sufficient qualification in the theme, personal circumstances, the inability to be in time, conflict of interest) is not ready to run over the manuscript must inform about this to Editor as soon as possible.

The reviewing process must be confidential; the manuscript should not be discussed with other experts.

The reviewer should investigate the manuscript fully objective, refraining from personal judgments of any kind about the author.

The reviewer should not use in own works prepared for publication any results from the submitted manuscript, which can be interpreted as a form of plagiarism.

The reviewer, who found substantial coincidences in the reviewed manuscript and any other works of any authors, published or submitted for publication, as well as in the case of plagiarism detection, should immediately report it to the editors.