Politics and Poetics of Hollywood Films: Insistent Trends of National Narrative





Hays Code, CIA, Pentagone, Un-American Activities Committee


Hollywood cinema has often been defined as an “entertainment industry”, a term, which deduces a status quo in relations to politics. Contrary to the statement, Hollywood films are very much politically orientated with narratives that run through most productions and promote a particular perception of American society. The Production Code that was put in place in 1930 and imposed self-censorship was a major catalyst in relation to politics of filmmaking in Hollywood.

Author Biography

Sina Vatanpour, Lille University

est Maître de Conférences en civilisation américaine au département de langues étrangères appliquées à l’Université de Lille. Ses publications comprennent un ouvrage collectif et plusieurs articles sur la symbolique de l’argent dans la littérature et le cinéma américains, ainsi que sur l’œuvre de Paul Auster et Martin Amis. Parmi ses publications sur le cinéma américain, “Body and Soul: Image and Meaning in Iraq War Films”, “At the Crossroad of Memories: Francis Ford Coppola’s Tetro,” et ”Money: The Token of Cultural Memory and American Ethics in Frank Capra’s Film-making Philosophy.” Sa dernière publication, en 2022, s’intitule “Lineage, Legacy and Debt in Paul Auster’s Selected Novels.”

Page personnelle : https://pro.univ-lille.fr/sina-vatanpour/


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How to Cite

Vatanpour, S. (2023). Politics and Poetics of Hollywood Films: Insistent Trends of National Narrative. Translation Studies: Theory and Practice, 136–148. https://doi.org/10.46991/TSTP/2023.SI.1.136


