


lacuna, realia, elimination, cognitive strategy, metacognitive strategy, affective strategy, compensatory strategy, social strategy


At the present stage, there are various typologies of lacunaes: linguistic, cultural, textual, behavioral, etc. The strategy for eliminating lacunaes should be used in high school, first of all, to understand lacunaes.  It is   inappropriate to set the task of recreating the cultural coloring of the text through the translation of lacunaes. Well-chosen interpretations and comments can help students eliminate  the lacunaes in the text. It is important to note that preference should be given to research interpretations, as they help to identify national features of  perception of facts. Given the fact that lacunaes are eliminated by filling and compensation, compensatory strategies should be preferred. The use of effective and social strategies is an important condition for the rapid assimilation and proper reproduction of lacunaes. In some cases, it is necessary to present lacunaes not only with comments, but also with texts. When learning lacunaes, you can use the possibilities of positive transfer. At the level of understanding the lacunaes, it is desirable to memorize the English or international lacunaes that are already in circulation in the Armenian language. The use of metacognitive strategies can only be effective among advanced level students.


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