Online ISSN | : | 2579-3039 |
Print ISSN | : | 1829-2429 |
Author Guidelines
There is no any fee for submitting, reviewing, and publishing in this journal for authors!
The journal considers the following types of papers.
- Research papers:
Papers that include original factual data that have not been published anywhere earlier (except as an abstract). This type of paper normally should be between 3000-6000 words (up to 20 pages), typed in Times New Roman (font-size 11 pt with 1.5 line spacing and 2 cm margins). This type of paper should follow the structure of Abstract, Introduction, Subtitles, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (where applicable), as well as References and Sources of Data plus tables and charts (if required). - Book Review:
The Book Review is considered to be a form of academic writing that serves to describe and critically evaluate the content, quality, meaning, and significance of a book. A well-constructed book review can provide a thoughtful perspective and will be appreciated. Scholarly Book Review should be within 1800 words. Book Review must have to be systematic and structured. Proper references to the books reviewed are possible. A normal peer review process will follow to ensure the academic quality of such book review. Only academically important and critical review of books will be considered for publication.
Style and Format
Use Win(Word), Times New Roman, with all margins to 20 mm.
Main text | : | 11pt, 1,5 spacing throughout, justified |
Notes and references | : | 11pt |
Title | : | 12pt bold, Capital letters, centered |
Abstract and key words | : | 11pt, left, separated from the text by one space line (up to 150-200 words) |
Subtitles | : | 11pt bold, separated from the text by one space line from above. The first line of the paragraph after the subtiltes is not indented. |
Language and Spelling | : | The contributions should be in English. The spelling should be British or American consistently throughout the paper. |
- Pages are to be numbered consecutively at the bottom centre throughout the manuscript (including notes).
- Paragraphs should be indented.
- Titles of articles and essays, etc. used in the text should be italicized. Capitalize the first word and all the principal words in English titles of publications, in divisions of works, etc.
- The words and expressions that are in the focus of analysis should be made italics.
- Avoid using contracted grammatical forms.
Manuscript Structure
Abstract in English
An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article; it allows readers to get introduced to the contents of an article quickly. The abstract should normally be a single paragraph between 150 and 200 words. A good abstract is accurate, concise, nonevaluative, coherent and clear. The abstract should reveal the aim, the material of the study, the method(s) applied and the main conclusion. The information contained in the abstract must be discussed and detained in the main body of the paper.
Keywords: (5-7 words separated by commas)
The body of a manuscript opens with an introduction that presents the specific problem under study and describes the research strategy. The structure of the introduction should necessarily comprise the author’s aims / tasks / objectives, the subject-matter and the material of the study. The necessary requirements run as follows:
- Exploration of the importance of the problem. The article should state how it is related to previous work in the area.
- The description of the relevant related literature. This section should review studies to establish the general area, and then move towards studies that more specifically define or are more specifically related to the research you are conducting.
- The statement of hypotheses and objectives, their correspondence to research. The present tense is used to state your hypotheses and objectives.
- The method(s) used to conduct the research (in case of a methodological paper, the method part is normally written in the past tense since you are describing what you did; for example, e.g.: An experiment was performed…, The participants were instructed to...) .
Sections and Subsections of the paper
Papers should be clearly divided into sections. Any labeled sections / subsection should be given a brief heading marked in bold (Times New Roman, 11 without full stops at the end). Each heading should appear on its own separate line.
A good paragraph should contain at least the following four elements: transition, topic sentence, specific evidence and analysis, and a brief concluding sentence. A transition sentence acts as a transition from one idea to the next. A topic sentence tells the reader what you will be discussing in the paragraph. Specific evidence and analysis support your claims that provide a deeper level of detail than your topic sentence. A concluding sentence tells the reader how and why this information supports the paper’s thesis.
Including a conclusion in your research paper can be important to remind your readers of the strength and impact of your argument. Concluding statements in your paper can also help to refocus the reader's attention to the most important points and supporting evidence of your arguments or position that you presented in your research. Conclusions can also serve as a basis for continuing research, creating new ideas to resolve an issue you highlighted in your paper or offering new approaches to a topic.
By looking at only the Introduction and Conclusions sections, a reader should have a good idea of what the researcher has investigated and discovered even though the specific details of how the work was done would not be known. After moving from general to specific information in the introduction and body paragraphs, your conclusion should restate the main points of your argument.
Conclusions should finish up with an overview of future possible research
Acknowledgements (if any).
This section should appear only after peer review.
This section identifies grants or any financial support for the study. Acknowledgments to colleagues who assisted in conducting the study should be stated in this part.
Footnotes are to be avoided. Extra information that you do not feel necessary to keep in the main body of the text should be presented in the section Notes. These cases should be numbered consequtively in the text and grouped together in numerical order in the section Notes.
In-text References
In-text references should be referred to by the name/date system, E.g.:
- One author: (Field, 2005)
- Two authors: (Gass & Varonis, 1984)
- Three or more authors:
- First citation include all authors: (Alfred, Brusaw, &Oliu, 2009)
- Subsequesnt cittaions include the first autor and et al.: (Alfred et al., 2009)
- No author: Use the first few words of the tilte, or the complete title if short: (“Collins Concise Dictionary”, 2008)
- Secondary citations: (Smith & Taylor, as cited in Haller, 2008)
The corresponding full references should be given in the list of References at the end of your article, after the Notes, separated from the list of Notes by one space line.
A direct quotation reproduces word-for-word material taken directly from another author’s work, or from your own previously published work.
- If the quotation is fewer than 40 words, incorporate it into your paragraph and enclose it in double quotation marks. Place it before the full stop: e.g.
One study found that “the listener‘s familiarity with the topic of discourse greatly facilitates the interpretation of the entire message” (Gass & Varonis, 1984, p. 85).
Gass and Varonis (1984) found that “the listener’s familiarity with the topic of discourse greatly facilitates the interpretation of the entire message” (p. 85).
- If the quotation comprises 40 or more words, display it in an indented, freestanding block of text, without quotation marks. At the end of a block quotation, cite the quoted source and the page number in parentheses, after the final punctuation mark: e.g.
This suggests that familiarity with nonnative speech in general, although it is clearly not as important a variable as topic familiarity, may indeed have some effect. That is, prior experience with nonnative speech, such as that gained by listening to the reading, facilitates comprehension. (Gass & Varonis, 1984, p. 77)
Quatations reproducing language material under study follow the same rules mentioned above, only written in italics.
Quotations Entirely in a Non-English Language
Several options are possible depending on the aims of the study:
- Quote the text in the original language and leave it untranslated: e.g.
“Les jeunes qui terminent un placement à l’âge de la majorité dans le cadre du système de protection de la jeunesse sont plus ulnerable” (Bussières, St-Germain, Dubé, & Richard, 2017, p. 354).
- Include the original text and a translation: e.g.
Research has addressed that “Les jeunes qui terminent un placement à l’âge de la majorité dans le cadre du système de protection de la jeunesse sont plus ulnerable” [Youth who finish a placement at the age of majority in the framework of the youth protection system are more vulnerable] (Bussières, St-Germain, Dubé, & Richard, 2017, p. 354).
- Translate the text yourself, in which case the translation is considered a paraphrase (and so no quotation marks are included): e.g.
Youth who finish a placement at the age of majority in the framework of the youth protection system are more vulnerable (Bussières, St-Germain, Dubé, & Richard, 2017, p. 354).
Other issues:
- Square brackets are used to enclose phonetic transcriptions: [ ]
- Quotations run on as part of the text are enclosed in double quotation marks (“ ”), quotations within quotations in single quotation marks (‘ ’).
- Refrain from using underlining in your document (italic and bold formatting is acceptable).
Tables, figures and graphical materials
The journal Editorial Board prefers to receive a manuscript as a single complete file with all figures, tables and any additional supplemental materials.
Enumerate the tables and figures (Table 1, Figure 1), give those a heading and clearly marked columns that would be easy to read and comprehend. The aforemnetioned information should be placed below the body of the table or the firgure. Please make sure that the table and figure data is in line with the numbers in the body of the text.
Graphical materials should be reduced to minimum (unless the nature of your study dictates otherwise). Photographs should be rich in contrast, illustrative artwork should be clear and of high resolution (300 dpi and higher).
Cited supplementary materials (tables, graphs, etc.) should be provided with references in the body of the text.
Each reference item listed in the section References needs to contain all of the bibliographic information from its source (citation style APA-6). In each new item, its first line is aligned right, other lines (if any) are indented 1,0 cm.
References should be listed alphabetically by the last name of the first author of each work. References are not innumerated.
- Print Journal article
Al-Amri, W. B., & Hussein, A. (2016). Translation in teaching and learning a foreign language: A methodological approach. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1 (2016), 24-42.
Svartvik, J. (2005). A life in Linguistics. The European English Messenger, 14 (1), 55-65.
Nguyen, T., Carnevale, J. J., Scholer, A. A., Miele, D. B., & Fujita, K. (2019). Metamotivational knowledge of the role of high-level and low-level construal in goal-relevant task performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 117(5), 879-899.
- Journal article with DOI
When DOIs are available, include them in the reference information. Place the DOI at the end of the reference, and don’t add a period at the end of it.
Li, S., & Seale, C. (2007). Learning to do qualitative data analysis: An observational study of doctoral work. Qualitative Health Research, 17(10), 1442-1452.
- Journal Article retrieved from electronic database
Gibbs, J.P. (1989). Conceptualization of terrorism. American Sociological Review, 54(3), 329-340. Retrieved from
- Books
Kennedy, P., & Falvey, P. (1999). Learning language through literature in secondary schools: a resource book for teachers of English. Hong Kong University Press.
Smith, R. (2010). Rethinking teacher education: Teacher education in the knowledge age. Sydney, Australia: AACLM Press.
- Book Chapters
Mind that editors’ first names are cited before their family names, with a comma before “&” for two or more editors.
Haybron, D.M. (2008). Philosophy and the science of subjective well-being. In M. Eid, & R.J. Larsen (Eds.).The science of subjective well-being (pp. 17–43). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
- E-book not from a database and without a DOI: in the URL field include the full URL or the homepage URL. Leave out Place and Publisher:
Austen, J. (1853). Pride and prejudice. Retrieved from
- E-book from a Library database: In the URL field include the URL but remove the Ezproxy details:
Best, A., Hanhimaki, & Schulze, K. E. (2015). International history of the twentieth century and beyond (3rd ed.). Retrieved from https://ebookcentral-proquest-com
- On-line newspaper article:
Brody, J.F. (2007, December 11). Mental reserves keep brain agile. The New York Times. Retrieved from
- Dictionary:
VandenBos, G.H. (Ed.). (2007). APA dictionary of psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
- Web pages (without author):
Plagiarism. (n.d.). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved Novermber 19, 2020, from
For materials in languages other than English:
Standard format: Author, Initials. (year). Title of book (Edition if later than first e.g. 3rd ed.) [Title translated into English]. Place of publication: Publisher.
!All titles other than English (French, Spanish, etc.) are to be translated!
Piaget, J. (1966). La psychologie del’enfant [The psychology of the child]. Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France.
In case of article:
Bussières, E.-L., St-Germain, A., Dubé, M., & Richard, M.-C. (2017). Efficacité et efficience des programmes de transition à la vie adulte: Une revue systématique [Effectiveness and efficiency of adult transition programs: A systematic review]. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, 58, 354–365.
For Cyrillic and other non-Latin scripts:
Bekisheva, T.G., & Gasparjan, G.A. (2014). Ispol'zovanie domashnego chtenija studentov v nejazykovyh vuzah kak vida samostojatel'noj raboty [The use of home reading as a type of students' self-guided work in non-linguistic higher education establishments]. Filologicheskie nauki. Voprosy teorii i praktiki, 6(36), 27-29 (in Russian)
Retrieval Dates
Include a retrieval date only if the work is unarchived and designed to change over time. When a DOI is not available, and a URL is included, do not include retrieval dates unless the source material may change over time (e.g., wikis). Most references do not include retrieval dates.
Avoid or minimize self-citation. If it is necessary to cite your own work, delete the names of authors and other identifying information and place substitute words in brackets, such as: (Anonymous, 2007).
Refer to your own references in the third person. For example, write ‘Harutyunyan and Mirzoyan (2007) have demonstrated’, not ‘We have previously demonstrated (Harutyunyan & Mirzoyan 2007)’.
In the reference list, you should delete the self-citation and add it before submitting your final draft.
For more information on Reference style refer to APA6 Referencing Style Guide
Author Self-Archiving Policy
Prior to acceptance for publication in the journal, authors retain the right to make the original version of the article available on their own personal website and/or that of their employer and/or in free public servers, provided that, upon acceptance, authors are responsible for updating the archived pre-print with a DOI and linking it to the published version of the article.
The journal allows authors the use of the final published version of the article (publisher pdf) for self-archiving (author's personal website) and/or archiving in an institutional repository (on a non-profit server). There is no embargo period after publication of the article. The published source must be acknowledged and a link to the journal home page or articles' DOI must be set.
Copyright and License
- Copyright on any open access article published in AFA is retained by the author(s) as of 2020.
- Authors grant AFA a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher.
- Authors also grant any third party the right to use the article freely as long as its integrity is maintained and its original authors, citation details and publisher are identified.
- The Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) license formalizes these and other terms and conditions of publishing articles.
Plagiarism Policy
The journal aims to publish original high quality research work. Submission of manuscript to the journal indicates that the study has not been published anywhere or not been submitted elsewhere for publication. If authors are using any part of published paper (in English or any other language), they should give proper references. All incoming manuscripts will be subjected to screening for plagiarism using similarity check tools such as eTXT ( or Advego ( AFA will immediately reject submissions leading to plagiarism or self-plagiarism. If plagiarism is found in any paper already published, after internal investigation a note about the plagiarism in the article will appear on the webpage and also be attached to the PDF file of the article.
Article Processing Charges
AFA does not charge authors any fee for the processing and publication of their manuscripts.
Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
- Where available, DOIs or URLs for the references have been provided.
- The submission file is in Microsoft Word file format.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.