The Basic Tools of “Soft Power” Application in the World Policy


  • Paylak Yengoyan Yerevan State University


soft power, smart power, culture, religion, diplomacy, mass media, social media


To achieve their foreign policy goals, most of the modern states widely use the policy of “soft power”, the main component of which is to justify the attractiveness of the subject of politics, its culture, and lifestyle. This makes it possible to form a qualitatively new culture that changes people's consciousness and behavior, and, as a result, makes a big influence on foreign policy orientation of states. For the implementation of the “soft power” policy, there are a large number of tools with the proper use of which the state can successfully solve its problems in foreign policy. This is especially actual for small states, the abilities of which are severely limited. The changed conditions in the world political process have left their mark on the content of the “soft power” policy, which is more and more often combined with “hard power”. In this regard, the concept of “smart power” is becoming very actual, the use of which can significantly expand the range of the “soft power” tools

Author Biography

Paylak Yengoyan, Yerevan State University

PhD student of the Chair of Theory and History of Political Science, YSU. Address: 0025, Yerevan, Alex Manoogian 1, Email:



How to Cite

Yengoyan, Paylak. 2019. “The Basic Tools of ‘Soft Power’ Application in the World Policy”. Bulletin of Yerevan University D: International Relations and Political Sciences 10 (3 (30):40-50.



Political science