YSU Journal of International Affairs
E - ISSN | : | 2738-2613 |
P - ISSN | : | 1829-4529 |
Peer Review and Ethics
The YSU Press is committed to peer-review integrity and upholding the standards of double-blind peer review. After the Editor-In-Chief evaluates your paper for suitability, it will undergo double-blind peer review by independent, anonymous expert reviewers. Manuscripts may be declined without undergoing peer review if it is determined that they are unlikely to succeed in the peer review process or fall outside the journal’s scope. The review process follows a double-blind format, ensuring that peer reviewers remain unaware of the author’s identity and vice versa. After the review, the editorial office prepares an anonymous summary of reviewers’ comments, which is then shared with the author. In cases where reviewers provide conflicting evaluations, the editorial office may appoint a third reviewer.
The review outcomes fall into three categories:
1. The manuscript is accepted, with or without suggested revisions or corrections.
2. The manuscript is conditionally accepted, requiring the author to revise it based on the reviewers’ feedback.
3. The manuscript is rejected, for reasons such as plagiarism, lack of novelty, originality, proper structure, up-to-date references, or academic integrity.
Please note that the YSU Journal of International Affairs uses Crossref to screen papers for original material. By submitting your paper to the Journal, you agree to originality checks during the peer-review and production processes. Falsification, plagiarism (including the duplicate publication of an author’s own work without appropriate citation), and misappropriation of others’ work is entirely unacceptable. Articles submitted to this journal must be original and must not have been submitted to any other journal or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.