Conceptual Approaches to the Study of the Problem of Ethnicity




Ethnicity , ethnic identity , nationalism , East , West , integration , interculturalism


In an increasingly globalized world, characterized by growing cultural diversity and constant intercultural interaction, the academic study of ethnicity and its perceptions has become an imperative of the times. This article examines the concepts of "ethnicity", "ethnos" and "ethnic identity" in different academic contexts. In particular, not only Western theoretical concepts are considered, but also "Eastern" ones based on local, unique methodological approaches, especially Russian political science thought, as well as theoretical conceptual approaches developed in the academic frameworks of India, Japan, China and Armenia. The analysis of the above-mentioned heuristic structures and their limits allows us to understand the phenomenon of "ethnicity", which is the basis of individual and collective identity, in a more comprehensive way.

Author Biography

Vahe Zargaryan, Yerevan State University

PhD Student at YSU Chair of International Relations and Diplomacy


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How to Cite

Zargaryan, Vahe. 2024. “Conceptual Approaches to the Study of the Problem of Ethnicity”. Bulletin of Yerevan University D: International Relations and Political Sciences 15 (2 (44):63-75.



Political science