Translation of Russian Business Slang Phraseology in Italian: Focus on Intermediary Language to Avoid Ambiguities


  • Alessandra Marabini Belgorod State University



slang phraseology, intermediary language, equivalence; ambiguity, informal business communication


In recent years Russia has changed rapidly from a socio-economic point of view. The economic changes have led to the development of slang phraseological units (herefrom, PUs) in the business communication. The Russian jargon PUs are taken from the dictionary Pochti seryoznyj slovar’ delovogo obscheniya (Pogrebnyak: 2007) and are translated into Italian, mostly via English, functioning as Intermediary Language (herefrom, IL). The materials consist in Russian slang PUs that are ambiguous, as it appears hard to understand, whether they are calques from IL or properly Russian expressions. The study underlines the importance of the IL to avoid ambiguity and of the idiomatic translation to both understand business culture and language. The functional equivalence is also taken into account as an interlinguistic equivalence strategy needed to find a communicative coincidence between Source Language (herefrom, SL) and Target Language (herefrom, TL) contexts. To conclude, the work attempts to facilitate informal business communication between Russian and Italian partners and to mitigate misunderstandings that may arise in the presence of cultural differences between the two countries.

Author Biography

Alessandra Marabini, Belgorod State University

PhD, Senior Teaching Fellow at Belgorod State University, Russian Federation; former teacher assistant for Russian language courses at Bari State University “Aldo Moro” and at Tuscia State University, Italy. Her research interests lie primarily in contrastive phraseology of the Russian and Italian languages, linguo-cultural studies, phraseology and cognition.


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How to Cite

Marabini, A. (2024). Translation of Russian Business Slang Phraseology in Italian: Focus on Intermediary Language to Avoid Ambiguities. Translation Studies: Theory and Practice, 4(1), 5–12.