Տեղեկատվական նամակ



Yerevan State University

Pedagogy and Education Development Center




Requirements for a scientific article

to be published in the "Education in the 21st Century"

Peer-Reviewed Scientific-Methodological Journal


  • Technical criteria for article design: The articles should begin with summaries in three languages /first in English, then in the second language, and then in the language selected for the article/. If the article is in English, the other two abstracts are moved to the end of the description. If the article is in Armenian, the abstract is first presented in English, then in Russian, and then in Armenian. If the article is in Russian, the abstract is initially presented in English, then in Armenian, and then in Russian.  The description of the article should begin with the abstract  written in the same language as the article. Each abstract should have trilingual titles of the article which should be located in the center and written in capital letters.
  • Information about the author(s):

The title should be followed by

  • author's name, surname,
  • work place,
  • country,
  • rank, degree of the author,
  • author's e-mail the address,
  • ORCID link /if the author does not have such link, he should register on this ORCID site to receive the

If the article is co-authored, the names and the details of authors in the mentioned order shall be listed in the article according to the priority of their contribution.

Abstract or summary: The content of all three abstracts shall be identical and present the general concept of the article /please, find details below/. The abstract shall contain 30 lines, approximately 250-300 words.

  • The abstract shall answer the following questions:
  1. Purpose of the research.
  2. Topicality and scientific novelty of the article.
  3. Conclusions of the author.

Summary should be followed by keywords and then the description of the main material of the article should be presented.

  • Description of the main material. The text of the main material should be summarized in six pages. First, the abstracts of the article (in the required languages) are written, then, keywords (in the required languages) shall be presented followed by the description of the main problem, including a brief analysis of contemporary researches and publications related, the purpose of the article, the novelty of the research, description of the main material, conclusions, further research perspectives, recommendations, and list of literature used.

The article may include graphs and tables, if necessary.

  • List of literature. Only scientific sources should be included in the list of literature. References to statistics, documents, reports, Internet sources should be in form of notes. The list shall be numbered and arranged in alphabetical order. The list of used literature shall include 5-10 sources. The list of used literature shall contain only the sources cited in the article. It should be in alphabetic order, and then the number and the page of the book (corresponding to the numbering of the list of literature) should be mentioned in the reference space.
  • References shall be made as follows: the number of the source in the list of used literature followed by a comma, then the page of the idea or sentence quoted shall be indicated in square brackets, for example [3, page 22].
  • Number of pages: Description of the main material of the article - 6-7 pages, abstracts and list of literature - 2-3 pages of in the required languages.
  • Text formatting shall meet the following requirements: all margins (right, left, top, bottom) 20 mm, line spacing 1, font Unicode, font size 11pt, A4 format, text justified so that both edges of each line are aligned with both margins, without hyphenations.
  • In case of non-compliance with these requirements the articles will not be accepted and will not be sent for review.



Send the electronic version of the article via OJS as well as the following e-mail address: education21@ysu.am, write the author's surname in the subject line of the e-mail then put a hyphen and write the first three words of the title of the article. The name of the sending file shall also include the author's surname followed by a hyphen and the first three words of the title of the article.

You can register in the OJS system, upload your scientific articles and send them to us through that system via the following link:




Please, confirm upon receipt.



Please send the articles from February 1 to September 30.

We look forward for your articles.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Executive Secretary of the Journal

Lusine Hayrapetyan

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor/

Phone: 094-409373

Email: education21@ysu.am