
  • Narek Eloyan Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport



Keywords: General education system, schoolchildren, physical education, tourist preparedness.


Improving the process of physical education in the education system, which is aimed at improving students’ mobility and health, provides the use of modern technologies and the content enrichment. The individual orientation approach to Physical education is determined by the students' motivation and needs. And one of the ways to meet these needs is the touristic preparation. The multifaceted impact of tourism on schoolchildren is conditioned by their health, educational and practical importance. Currently, in state education documents touristic preparation is reflected in physical education programs of high schools and higher educational institutions. However, the observations show that it is not fully implemented in practice and there are many obvious reasons for this, and the one being the fact that for its organization and implementation there are currently no scientifically-approved methodological developments. At the same time, it should be stated that the secondary school is left out, and it is at this age that touristic preparation can play an essential role in the comprehensive development of the individual. The above-mentioned requires the development of new approaches that will promote the full development of touristic preparation, thereby providing the improvement of the process of physical education of schoolchildren. Emphasizing the importance of providing students with touristic preparation, further research will focus on the content and teaching methods of physical education in 7-9 grades.


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How to Cite

Eloyan , N. (2023). TOURISM IN THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION SYSTEM OF SCHOOLCHILDREN. Education in the 21st Century, 1(3), 178–187.



Teaching and upbringing