


English sublanguage, authentic text, creolized text, precedent text, background knowledge, hypertext, discourse, thematic forum, blog, social network


The selection of area studies texts for educational purposes is important from the point of view of their content, functions, educational potential, mastery of relevant vocabulary, and acquisition of background knowledge by students. The problem consists, on the one hand, in the selection of authentic area studies texts from the point of view of the didactic principle of accessibility, as well as the principle of consciousness. On the other hand, it is necessary to overcome the difficulties that arise when working with authentic texts within area studies. An important issue is also the development of the necessary procedures for working with authentic texts.

It is also difficult to apply the principle of authenticity, which involves constant, consistent updating of sources, which can be taken from English weekly newspapers, magazines and various Internet sites. Though nowadays they are available on the Internet, their selection and use for educational purposes is very difficult.

During the study, methods of content and component analysis of authentic texts, methods of analyzing their functional characteristics were used. In general, a comparative analysis reveals the features of didactic, authentic, quasi-authentic texts from the point of view of their use for educational purposes .


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