Russia-Ukraine military conflict and imperatives of diversification of Armenia's foreign policy


  • Marut Vardazaryan Yerevan State University



Republic of Armenia, Russia, EU, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, conflict, global dominance, diversification


This article reviews the reasons behind Russia-Ukraine dispute and conducts comparative analysis of this conflict in the context of worldwide geopolitical processes. Ukrainian crisis undermined system of international relations. After the conflict started, the interests of world centers became obvious. This conflict is unfolding in the prism of the US strategy retaining its global dominance and as a result, changing techno-political structure of the world economics. This article also analyzes consequences and challenges of this conflict for the Republic of Armenia and the necessity of diversifying the foreign policy in the new regional reality.

Author Biography

Marut Vardazaryan, Yerevan State University

PhD, Associate Professor at the Chair of International Relations and Diplomacy, YSU


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How to Cite

Vardazaryan, Marut. 2022. “Russia-Ukraine Military Conflict and Imperatives of Diversification of Armenia’s Foreign Policy”. Bulletin of Yerevan University D: International Relations and Political Sciences 13 (2 (38):15-25.



International Relations