Political Processes in Soviet Armenia (1940-1950)





Soviet Armenia, Armenian people, World War II, USSR, USA, Turkey, fascism, Nazism, legal norms, security


The article analyzes the political processes in Soviet Armenia in 1940-1950, taking into account the fact that during this period the number of people arrested by the NKVD for anti-Soviet, anti-revolutionary, allied activities and spreading slander was the largest. In this regard, the article draws attention to the fact that special, more stringent legal norms were in force in the warring country, and at the same time, the fight against crimes that threaten the country's security became more motivated. In such conditions, as is customary in all countries, approaches are being tightened to persons who opposed the political course of the country in the past or in a certain period of time, the fight against espionage, treason and similar crimes is intensified. Despite the fact that the Armenian people suffered significant and irreparable losses during the Stalinist repressions, the years of the "collapse" that replaced the cult of personality contributed to the revival of the self-awareness of our society. It was obvious that these changes occurred with certain difficulties, reservations and resistance.

Author Biography

  • Armenak Manukyan, Yerevan State University

    Doctor of History, Professor at the Chair of Political Science, YSU


*Все обобщения сделаны нами на основании изучения архивных материалов фонда пре¬кращенных дел архива Министерсва национальной безопасности РА.

**Все обобщения сделаны нами на основании изучения архивных материалов фонда архива Отдела оперативно-информационного и особого фонда Информационного Центра Министерства Внутренних дел республики Армения.

Baberowski J. Between Fear and Fascination: The Soviet Union in the Modern Age // Journal of Political Science: Bulletin of Yerevan University, 1(1), 2022, p. 124-126. https://doi.org/10.46991/JOPS/2022.1.1.119.

Manukyan A. An Alternative to the Dissident Paradigm and Intersecting Civil Protests in Soviet Armenia: Equal but Different? // Journal of Political Science: Bulletin of Yerevan University, 1(3), 2022, p. 78. https://doi.org/10.46991/JOPS/2022.1.3.073






Political science

How to Cite

Manukyan, Armenak. 2023. “Political Processes in Soviet Armenia (1940-1950)”. YSU Journal of International Affairs 14 (2 (41): 48-64. https://doi.org/10.46991/BYSU:D/2023.14.2.048.