Prerequisites for the transformation of the ideological and value foundations of the global development paradigm




neoliberalism, value system, conservatism, socialism, norms, traditions, liberal democracy


With the formation of unipolar world and the approval of the new financial and economic world order with appropriate levers of influence on countries and nations, the modern world has faced an individualistic Anglo-Saxon interpretation of liberal democracy, which has become the ideological basis of the modern paradigm of global development. Such indisputable principles of liberal democracy as personal freedom, inviolability of human rights, the rule of law, parliamentary democracy, pluralism, civil society, economy based on the principle of competition and some others have become an integral part of the universal political culture. However, many of the radicalized provisions of this value system are not perceived by many peoples as “no alternative” and “the only true”. In many countries the opposition of priority moral and spiritual values to the neoliberal norms of behavior is becoming more and more evident. This creates the prerequisites for the transformation of the paradigm of global development.

Author Biographies

Ashot Yengoyan, Yerevan State University

Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor at the Chair of Political Science, YSU

Khosrovadukht Azatyan, Yerevan State University

PhD in Political Science, Assistant of the Chair of Political Science


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How to Cite

Yengoyan, Ashot, and Khosrovadukht Azatyan. 2023. “Prerequisites for the Transformation of the Ideological and Value Foundations of the Global Development Paradigm”. Bulletin of Yerevan University D: International Relations and Political Sciences 14 (2 (41):65-77.



Political science