Indictment of the Accused in Absentia


  • Gagik Ghazinyan Yerevan State University
  • Petik Mkrtchyan Yerevan State University



proceedings, absentee, indictment, change of charges, video communication, international mutual assistance, public notification, removal of the defender from the proceedings


The article concerns the essence and features of the presentation of charges in proceedings carried out in the absence of the accused (correspondence proceedings).

The authors turn to the grounds and conditions for bringing charges in the course of proceedings carried out in the absence of the accused, to the opinions expressed in theory regarding the institution in question.

The regulations of the institution in question are presented in the national criminal procedure legislation and comparisons of regulations provided for by the legislation of foreign countries are carried out.

The article also presents the positions of the European Court of Human Rights on this issue, and in their light discusses the theoretical problems of bringing charges in absentia.

The subject of discussion is also the question of when the preliminary investigation body knows the exact location of the accused, whether the latter should take measures to notify the accused of the day and time of the indictment, and only in case of his failure to present the charge in absentia.

In connection with the formulation of the question, the authors come to the conclusion that when there are grounds and conditions for absentee proceedings, and the investigator decides to carry out absentee proceedings, then charging the accused by video does not follow from the general ideology of absentee proceedings.

Author Biographies

Gagik Ghazinyan, Yerevan State University

Dean at the YSU Faculty of Law,
Doctor of Law, Professor,
Academician of NAS RA

Petik Mkrtchyan, Yerevan State University

Lecturer at the YSU Chair of the Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics,
Deputy Head of the Legal Department of the RA State Revenue Committee


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How to Cite

Ghazinyan, G., & Mkrtchyan, P. (2023). Indictment of the Accused in Absentia. Bulletin of Yerevan University C: Jurisprudence, 14(2 (39), 86–97.

