The Legal Nature and Content of the “Presumption”of Illicit Origin of Property


  • Tigran Markosyan Yerevan State University



civil confiscation, proceedings for confiscation of property of illicit origin, in rem, judicial proof, burden of proof, presumption, hypothesis, rebuttal, balance of probabilities, preponderance of the evidence


The civil confiscation proceedings is a novelty in Armenian legal system and the comprehensive study of both complex and individual issues hold significant relevance.

In this regard, the issues of the presumption of illegal origin of property is of particular importance, as its proper application is crucial for achieving a balance between public and private interests, as well as for ensuring human rights protection.

This work is based on international documents, domestic legislation, and procedural studies, outlining the general proceedings for confiscating property deemed to have an illicit origin, its stages, the nature of evidentiary presumptions and their procedural significance, the conditions under which the presumption of illegal origin is applied, and the implications of this presumption. It also addresses the concept of "balancing of probabilities" relevant to these proceedings, or the criterion of "preponderance of evidence."

In conclusion, the findings presented in this article may provide valuable insights for the ongoing development of legal practice and the refinement of existing regulations.

Author Biography

  • Tigran Markosyan, Yerevan State University

    PhD in Law, Associate Professor at YSU Chair of Civil Procedure, Lecturer-
    Coordinator at the Legal Clinic of YSU Faculty of Law, Member of the Commission for the Qualification of the Bankruptcy Managers, Member of the Competition Protection Commission of the RA


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Civil Procedure

How to Cite

Markosyan, T. (2024). The Legal Nature and Content of the “Presumption”of Illicit Origin of Property. Bulletin of Yerevan University C: Jurisprudence, 15(2 (41), 173-183.