Banber Erevani hamalsarani. Sots'iologia.
E - ISSN | : | 2738-263X |
P - ISSN | : | 2579-2938 |
There is no fee for submitting, reviewing, and publishing in this journal for authors!
Manuscripts should be up to 20 pages words in Microsoft Word with the following information:
The abstract should give a clear idea of what the paper is about. A good abstract generally contains:
We use the APA citation system. References to books, monographs, articles, and statistical sources should be identified within the text by the author’s family name, publication year, and pagination, where appropriate.
When the author’s name appears in the text, cite it as follows: (Avetisyan, 2001). When citing the page for a quote or specific reference, use this style: (McLuhan, 2001: 91-92). When a source has two authors, give both names separated by a comma; if there are three or more authors, use “et al.” (e.g. (Grigorian et al., 2010).
For institutional authorship use the following: (CRRC Caucasus Barometer, 2001). Distinguish more than one reference to an author published in one year by using numbers in parentheses placed before the publication year (Peterson 1, 2001). Enclose a series of up to three references within parentheses, separated by semicolons. List all references chronologically, then alphabetically (Kelly, 1999; Dole, 2002; Baker, 2003).
References: at the end of the manuscript, list sources alphabetically by author and, within the author, by publication year. Examples of common references follow:
Published book:
Crow, G. (1997). Comparative Sociology and Social Theory. Basingstoke: Macmillan.
Chapter in an edited book:
Nielsen, K., Jessop, B., Hausner, J. (2005). Institutional Change in Post-Socialism. Strategic Choice and Path-Dependency in Post-Socialism (eds. Hausner, J., Jessop, B., Nielsen, K.). Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 67-83.
Article in a journal:
Carr, C.T., Hayes, R.A. (2015). Social Media: Defining, Developing, and Divining. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 23(1), pp. 46-65. DOI: 10.1080/15456870.2015.972282
All other notes - explanations, secondary information, or non-scientific sources (newspapers, dictionaries, legal documents, etc.) should be provided as footnotes at the bottom of each page. All abbreviations should be explained. It is not necessary to list these sources in the references.
All tables and figures should be prepared so that they can be opened in standard Microsoft Word and/or Excel software. Otherwise, they should be recognizable (reasonable support definition for printing) and preferably be black and white (or grayscale). Graphic files should come in TIF or JPG format at 300dpi.
Published work by an organization:
World Bank (2005). World Development Report 2005. Washington, DC: World Bank.
All submissions are initially reviewed by the Editorial team. At this stage, papers may be rejected before peer-review if there is a feeling that they are not of high enough quality, do not follow our guidelines, or are not within the scope of the journal. This ensures that authors are given a quick decision if their paper is unsuitable. Papers that pass the initial review process will be sent out for peer review. The review process is blind. Papers will be selected for publication based on peer review feedback, compliance of the author in making the modifications, and the Editor’s final choice. Articles that fail peer review will be rejected.
Self-Citation: Avoid or minimize self-citation. Refer to your own references in the third person. For example, write ‘Hakobyan and Movsisyan (2018) have demonstrated’, not ‘We have previously demonstrated (Hakobyan and Movsisyan 2018)’.
Plagiarism Policy: The journal aims to publish original high-quality research work. Submission of a manuscript to the journal indicates that the study has not been published anywhere or not been submitted elsewhere for publication. If authors are using any part of the published paper (in any language), they should give proper references. Plagiarized manuscripts would not be considered for publication.
Author Self-Archiving Policy: Prior to acceptance for publication in the journal, authors retain the right to make the original version of the article available on their own personal website and/or that of their employer and/or in free public servers, provided that, upon acceptance, authors are responsible for updating the archived preprint with a DOI and linking it to the published version of the article.
The journal allows authors the use of the final published version of the article (publisher pdf) for self-archiving (author's personal website) and/or archiving in an institutional repository (on a non-profit server). There is no embargo period after the publication of the article. The published source must be acknowledged and a link to the journal home page or articles' DOI must be set.
Article Processing Charges: The journal does not charge authors any fee for the processing and publication of their manuscripts.
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
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