Development of Models for Interpreting Mental Health Problems in an International and Armenian Context




health, mental health, mental health problems, medical model, social model, human rights-based model


This article presents the sequence of models for interpreting mental health problems, the formation of public perceptions of mental health problems influenced by each of the models and setting priorities for state policy. The article presents a summary of both international and Armenian discourses regarding the development of models, based on the analysis of scientific works and domestic legal regulations. International debates revolve around the recent discussion on the contradistinction between the social model and the human rights-based model. The author describes the arguments and critics of all parties of the debate in a detailed manner leaving the reader to make their own conclusions, whereas in the context of Armenia, the author develops the perspective of introducing human rights-based model as a distinct subject of study.

Author Biography

Gohar Khachatryan, Yerevan State University

Ph.D. Student at the Department of Social Work and Social Technologies, Lecturer, Yerevan State University, Co-Founder of “Change” Social-Healthcare NGO, Consultant for Social Work and Social Policy at the UNICEF Armenia.


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How to Cite

Khachatryan, G. (2023). Development of Models for Interpreting Mental Health Problems in an International and Armenian Context. Journal of Sociology: Bulletin of Yerevan University, 14(2 (38), 129–145.



Social Work and Social Technologies