Applicability of Possible Models to Ensure Easy Access to Employment For RA Students




university, labor market, employer, labor and professional experience, behavioral motivation, career center, employment assistance center, competitive advantage, cooperation, professional adaptation, social involvement at work


In this article, a number of issues of student employment are considered, related to solving the problems of interaction between universities and the labor market, ensuring unhindered access of students to the labor market, and also determining ways to prevent the negative impact of student employment on the quality of education.

  Thus, the informational model of interaction between the university and the labor market, the motivational model of student behavior, as well as the organization of employment of students according to their future profession or related professions are of great importance for increasing the level of professional training of students, professional adaptation and solving problems of social integration in the industrial environment.

Author Biography

Syuzanna Yeghiazaryan, Yerevan State University

Researcher, Faculty of Sociology, Yerevan State University (Armenia)


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How to Cite

Yeghiazaryan, S. (2023). Applicability of Possible Models to Ensure Easy Access to Employment For RA Students. Journal of Sociology: Bulletin of Yerevan University, 14(1 (37), 105–114.



Sociology of Youth