


Independence index, methodology,, Youth studies, youth independence, youth in Armenia


As youth transition from childhood dependence to adult independence, various dimensions such as financial, economic, mental, daily life independence, and civic participation come into play. The methodology involves quantitative interviews, focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, expert interviews, document analysis, and an academic literature review. The youth independence index encompasses financial independence, economic independence, mental independence, daily life independence, providing a comprehensive approach to understanding and measuring youth independence. Each sub-index is meticulously justified and evaluated using a variety of indicators. Analyzing data from 625 young people aged 18-35 in Armenia, the study reveals insights into the landscape of youth independence. Civic participation stands out as a key area for improvement, while mental and daily life independence demonstrate the highest levels. The analysis considers factors such as age, gender, education, and location, highlighting significant disparities and correlations. The article concludes with considerations for policy interventions and discussions on the representativeness of the chosen sub-indices. The comprehensive framework proposed in this research contributes valuable insights to the field of youth studies, offering a nuanced understanding of the dynamics of youth independence in Armenia.

Author Biography

Marina Galstyan, Yerevan State University

PhD student, researcher Yerevan State University Founder-director, Center for Educational Research and Consulting


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How to Cite

Galstyan, M. (2024). CONCEPTUALIZING AND MEASURING ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL ASPECTS OF YOUTH INDEPENDENCE IN ARMENIA. Journal of Sociology: Bulletin of Yerevan University, 15(1 (39), 28–42.



Sociology of Youth