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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, DOIs or URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

There is no any fee for submitting, reviewing, and publishing in this journal for authors!


A scientific article is a current scientific study that, based on key sources, presents the results of the research to fill the gaps in both theoretical and experimental collective scientific knowledge. YSU scientific journals accept only relevant topical articles.

The structure of the scientific article.

Despite of the language in which the article was written, it should include:

Title in English: The title should express the basis of the issues discussed in the article, using as few words as possible.

Surname , initials of author (s) in English with the appropriate institution in parentheses.

If the article was co-authored, the list of authors should be listed in the article according to their contribution. Academic e-mail addresses are listed in the new line after the names.

The source of funding for the work (if exists) is indicated at the beginning of the article, after the title, center alignment, font size 10 (for example, "Survey conducted with the financial support of… .. (project / project № ……)".

On the next line

Summary in English(250-300 words). The summary is a brief description of the main provisions of the article. It should include the subject matter, objectives, purpose, research methods and results. The summary should answer the following questions:

  1. What is the article about?
  2. What is the purpose of the research?
  3. What conclusions did the author draw?
  4. What is the relevance of the article and the scientific novelty?

Keywords (5-10). You need to use words, phrases(should not exceed 2 words), terms, concepts to help the reader find the article faster through search engines.

The main article (preferably, but not necessarily language-English) has the following structure:

Introduction (research substantiation, use). The introduction should contain preliminary information or background information which the reader needs to understand the article. It should include the purpose of the research, the objectives, the research question, the rationale for its significance, the degree of elaboration and analysis of the literature on the subject, the author’s  initial  hypothesis,  the  methods  used  in  the  study  to  substantiate  or  reject  existing views, as well as the work plan, the theoretical and practical significance of the research.

The researches published over the last ten years should be noted, indicating the work where the research question was first raised (even if it was completed more than ten years ago).

Theoretical bases, methods and materials. The article should clearly describe what work has been done and what methods have been used to obtain the results of the study. Subtitles should reflect the different stages of the research process.

Research results (scientific novelty). The results of the research should be given without comment. Subtitles should be used to reflect each novelty separately. The results should be presented in a logical order, which is according to the meaning, which may not coincide with the order of their presentation in the text. Past tenses should be used when describing results and present tenses should be used to describe numbers and tables.

Graphs and tables. Graphs(titled "figure") and tables (titled "table") should be presented properly and numbered. 

Conclusions. Conclusions should be formulated as appropriate. It is necessary to compare the results obtained by the author with the results of other studies. If the conclusions are inconsistent with the views of other authors, the reasons should be stated.

The author should indicate the practical application of the research results. If the results are not final, it is advisable to suggest what additional research is needed in future.

List of literature(titled "References"). Only scientific sources should be included in the literature list. References to statistics, documents, reports, non-scientific Internet sources should be in the form of footnotes. The list must be alphabetically numbered(firstly, the sources of article language, then in other languages). Each source must include-the surname, initials of the author, title, pub. place, year, the page numbers, doi(if exists). 

Information about author (s). a) The name of the organization should be used without a postal address. It is possible to name several organizations in which the author works. Authors are required to list all workplaces related to the study. If the authors of the article are employees of different institutions, it is necessary to indicate the institution of each author using the footnote link.

  1. b) The name, degree / title, position, place of work, postal and / or e-mail addresses must be


  • Technical Requirements

 The editorial office accepts articles with up to 12 thousand characters(8 pages) with spaces (including Armenian, Russian and English summaries, references, keywords, bibliography). Articles should be submitted through the OJS system (

The  materials  are  presented  in  ’MS  Word  for  Windows’ electronic  format  with  Unicode encoding(font-Sylfaen), font size - 12, line spacing - 1, page margins: top, bottom, right, left -2.0 cm, text alignment – justified, paragraph indention-0.75 cm, pages are numbered from the bottom. The number of tables and figures should not exceed 2, the size of each- ¼ page.


 All articles submitted to the editorial board are subject to mandatory review. The editorial office organizes a blind review - reviewers and authors are anonymous. All reviewers are researxhers, authors of publications and researches on the topic of the reviewed material. Based on the results of the reviews, the editorial staff decides to publish the material. The reviewer must follow the principles of scientific impartiality and behavior.

  • Provide an impartial scientific review
  • Give an impartial and reasoned assessment of the research results, as well as make the necessary recommendations
  • Do not publish the work as it is the intellectual property of the Confidentiality can only be violated if the reviewer declares the work unscientific or falsified
  • Inform the Editor-in-Chief of any significant or partial similarities between the work in question and other work
  • Indicate relevant published works that are not properly cited or referenced in the


Based on the results of the review, the editorial board makes one of three possible decisions.

  • ’reject"
  • ’send for review based on reviewers’comments’
  • ’publish’.


The editorial board informs the author of the decision, providing a reasoned refusal if necessary. The author has no right to demand the reviewer’s data to challenge the result without sound arguments.

  • The review period is 1-2 months, depending on the quality of the submitted material.
  • All editorial changes are agreed with the authors by mail or on the journal
  • Reviews are kept in the editorial office for 5 years

There is no fee for submitting and reviewing in this journal for authors!

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.