
  • Anna Khizantsyan Yerevan State University



Russian as a foreign language,, military vocabulary,, military vocabulary, , military terminology, , Russian language in Armenia,, vocabulary in Russian as a foreign language, aviation vocabulary.


In modern times, in order to be able to expand the scope of cooperation with the main strategic partner and ally of Armenia, Russia, it is necessary to increase the level of Russian language proficiency in the republic, in particular, military sphere. Every year, not only military specialists who are able to acquire personally the necessary knowledge are becoming more and more in demand, but also specialists who speak foreign languages, including Russian, to solve the necessary communication tasks and, in general, to communicate with representatives of the partner country.

Paying attention to what has been written, we believe that teaching any foreign language should be professionally oriented and should form among students the professional and communicative competencies necessary for the implementation of professional communication.

The article deals with the problem of introducing military, military aviation vocabulary in the classroom of Russian as a foreign language. The choice of this lexical group is conditioned with the specifics of the educational institution.

The purpose of the study is to study the ways and methods of teaching military vocabulary at the lessons of Russian as a foreign language and further presentation of a set of tasks and exercises developed based on the materials of methodologists and teachers.

As part of our study, we have analyzed the methods of semantization of vocabulary in Russian as a foreign language lessons, substantiated the choice of the most effective ones when introducing military professional vocabulary, and also presented a set of exercises and tasks for studying and consolidating military vocabulary and for its use in speech. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that by now manuals and didactic materials have not been developed for teaching military, in particular, military aviation vocabulary at the lessons of Russian as a foreign language among the Armenian-speaking audience.

Author Biography

Anna Khizantsyan, Yerevan State University

Ph. D.


Список использованной литературы

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How to Cite

Khizantsyan, A. (2022). MILITARY VOCABULARY TRAINING IN THE LESSONS OF RUSSIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. Education in the 21st Century, 7(1), 96–106.



Teaching and upbringing