The Strengthening of China’s Competitive Positions in Geopolitical and Geo-Economic Processes




foreign policy strategy, world order, multipolar world, geopolitics, geoeconomics, center of power, economic development


China’s unprecedented success in developing its own economy, achieved thanks to the reforms in 1980s, allowed the country to take a more worthy place in world politics and economics. The necessary prerequisites were created for the subsequent transformation of the foreign policy concept towards enhancing China’s role in world affairs and turning the country into one of the world centers of power, playing a huge role in the formation of a new multipolar world order. In this regard, China in its foreign policy began to rely on such international associations as BRICS and the SCO, as well as put forward such infrastructure projects as “Belt and Road”. The new foreign policy strategy of the PRC came into conflict with the unipolar model of the world order that had developed over the past decades, which led to a worsening of relations between China and the West, despite the developed economic relations between them. At the same time, in the modern foreign policy concept of the PRC a special place is given to Russia, which, along with China itself, is considered as one of the guarantors of the forming multipolar world and global stability.

Author Biography

Paylak Yengoyan, Yerevan State University

Candidate of political sciences, Lecturer at the Chair of Political Science, YSU


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How to Cite

Yengoyan, Paylak. 2023. “The Strengthening of China’s Competitive Positions in Geopolitical and Geo-Economic Processes”. Bulletin of Yerevan University D: International Relations and Political Sciences 14 (3 (42):24-43.



International Relations