
  • Frunz Ghazaryan Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports



Body, Physique, Movement culture, Bodily education.


Today, the corporeal has taken a solid place in public space. The active position of a person
in relation to his body and physical perfection is concretized in different types of behavior, the
body actively participates in various kinds of demonstrations, games, and competitions. For
example, some people are consciously engaged in fitness, aerobics, bodybuilding, dancing, yoga,
shaping, making tattoo, piercing, doing plastic surgery, visiting solarium, saunas, and massage
centers for the optimal body care. The values of body formation should include health preservation
and strengthening, muscle development, optimal preparation for the needs of military service, the
recovery of the lost body functions, the formation of movement culture, physique. Such
approaches must go hand in hand with the development of intelligence, memory, thinking,
creativity, aesthetic and moral qualities.
Physical education and sports training refer to those areas in which, like nowhere else, human
corporeality is manifested in its cultural aspect.
The primary purpose of this research is to highlight the essence and content of the
phenomenon of bodily culture and bodily education of human through the prism of physical
education and sports training process. The article discusses and summarizes the values for the
formation of human corporeality, issues of bodily culture and bodily education relying on
pedagogical, philosophical, sociological literature sources. Some methods and techniques,
programs and concepts of bodily culture and bodily education are highlighted.


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How to Cite

Ghazaryan, F. (2023). BODILY CULTURE AND BODILY EDUCATION OF HUMAN. Education in the 21st Century, 2(4), 75–80.



Teaching and upbringing