
  • Frunz Ghazaryan Armenian Stat Institute of Physical Culture and Sport



Health, healthy lifestyle, pupil, physical education lesson, age, physical education, sociological survey.


At the beginning of the third millennium, human society faced a number of global problems caused by a change in the rhythm and lifestyle of a modern person, information overloads, an increase in environmental pollution, a change in the nature of nutrition, etc. Especially disturbing is the deteriorating health of student youth, many acquire diseases in the process of schooling.
This is due to the fact that in many schools sanitary and hygienic standards are not observed, students often experience educational overload, the level of physical fitness and the volume of daily physical activity decrease. Therefore, one of the main tasks of school education is to form a positive attitude of students towards their health and the organization of a healthy lifestyle. The purpose if this study is to study the features of the formation of a healthy lifestyle and real actions that are preferred by schoolchildren of adolescence and teenager age to maintain and strengthen health.
The sociological survey was chosen as the main method. The attitude of students to self-assessment of their health, knowledge in this area, holistic area, holistic attitudes towards health, physical activity, adherence to the daily regime were determined. 6653 schoolchildren of both sexes studying in grades 5-12 and living in all regions of Armenia were examined. As a result of this study, it was possible to show what the state is, how value orientations and attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle of schoolchildren of different ages are formed, manifested and realized. The obtained results are presented in the illustrative material form, and, accordingly, analyzed and discussed. Along with a number of objective and fair answers of the respondents, there were revealed the facts of declarativeness, overestimation of self-esteem in relation to the state of health, the level of physical fitness, daily physical activity and, as a consequence, an inadequate attitude towards one’s own body.
Therefore, the need to expand and deepen the content of the educational process, and primarily physical education in the direction of strengthening and maintaining health and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, is dictated, and it is advisable to start studying the course from the 5th grade of a comprehensive school.


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How to Cite

Ghazaryan, F. (2023). SUBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS’ HEAITH AND HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: SOCIAL ANALISIS. Education in the 21st Century, 1(5), 80–88.



Teaching and upbringing