
  • Kristina Azaryan Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan




visually impaired child, primary school students, op- tic-graphic writing disorders, prevention, correction, teacher, viewer new perception, means, methods, pedagogical approaches


This article reviews the main optical-graphical disorders of writing in visually impaired
primary schoolers. It is known, that visual impairment significantly complicates the playing,
physical, cognitive, educational, labour and other types of activities of children, their orientation in
macro and micro spaces. Therefore, the role of vision in writing can hardly be overestimated.
The visual control plays a very important role in observing graphical norms, rules and
conditions of writing in the formation and development of visual skills of visually impaired
students. In this connection, the study of optical-graphical disorders in the writing of visually
impaired primary schoolers will serve the basis for the development of special pedagogical
approaches and terms of application for the organization and implementation of work aimed at the
prevention and correction of graphical writing disorders of visually impaired primary schoolers.
It is well known, that the formation and development of graphical skills of visually impaired
students is to be started from the first grade, as it is more difficult to correct or eliminate opticalgraphical
writing disorders in higher grades. Thus, the success of all the work depends on the
informative level of primary school's teachers about graphical writing disorders of their students,
the means, methods and conditions of their use for carrying out the prevention and correction
works. This defines the necessity to study optical-graphical writing disorders of visually impaired
primary schoolers and to develop special pedagogical approaches and conditions for the
prevention and correction of these disorders.


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How to Cite

Azaryan, K. . (2023). OPTICAL-GRAPHICAL DISORDERS IN THE WRITING OF VISUAL IMPAIRED PRIMARY SCHOOLERS. Education in the 21st Century, 2(4), 134–141. https://doi.org/10.46991/educ-21st-century.v2i4.10907