Hand in Hand or Worlds Apart? An Overview of Translation and Education in the Upper Sorbian Context


  • Antony Hoyte-West Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan




Upper Sorbian, translation, bilingual education, minority languages, Slavic microlanguages


The second smallest of the Slavic languages, Upper Sorbian (hornjoserbšćina) is a minority language spoken in Upper Lusatia, located in eastern Germany close to the Czech and Polish frontiers. Building on previous work, this literature-based preliminary study explores the intersection between the domains of translation and minority language education with regard to the Upper Sorbian language. Initially, a historical and contemporary overview of the relevant sociolinguistic environment is provided, which is followed by an examination of the links between translation and education in the Upper Sorbian secondary and tertiary education sectors, as well as in professional training for language professionals. In addition, particular attention is also paid to the role of Domowina Verlag, the Sorbian-language publishing house. Finally, relevant information and new developments regarding the provision of translation and interpreting within the Upper Sorbian context are also presented, and the need for further empirical research is outlined.


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How to Cite

Hoyte-West, A. (2021). Hand in Hand or Worlds Apart? An Overview of Translation and Education in the Upper Sorbian Context. Translation Studies: Theory and Practice, 1(2 (2), 5–15. https://doi.org/10.46991/TSTP/2021.1.2.005


