
  • Venera Deniskina Moscow Pedagogical State University



family, child with developmental disabilities, parents, upbringing, education, child development, difficulties in education, family problems, parental awareness


The present article reveals the main problems of parenting a child with developmental
disabilities. It is known, that the upbringing, education and development of a child starts in the
family. However, the solution of these essential tasks is significantly complicated in a family
raising a child with various developmental disabilities.
The success of this study depends on how well parents are informed about the
psychophysical characteristics of the child's development; about using the means, methods and
conditions for organizing and conducting therapeutic, recreational and core-developmental
activities in a family.
This defines the necessity to study the problem of a family raising a child with developmental
In the general system of upbringing and educating a child with special needs, the role of the
family and the awareness of parents in these matters is immeasurably increasing. The special
scientific and methodological literature emphasizes the importance of studying the problem of
parenting a child with developmental disabilities, providing informational assistance to parents in
raising those children in a family environment. However, insufficient knowledge of the problem of
a family raising a child with developmental disabilities significantly complicates the effective
solution of many issues of this problem. The foregoing defines the relevance of this study, its
theoretical and practical significance.


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How to Cite

Deniskina, V. (2023). PROBLEMS OF A FAMILY, RAISING A CHILD WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. Education in the 21st Century, 2(4), 154–159.