W. Saroyan’s “Dear Greta Garbo” from the Perspective of Pre-translation Analysis





communicative/functional aspect, local and global coherence, pragmatic/cognitive value, extra-textual environment, intra-textual units


Pre-translation text analysis is considered a mandatory phase of translation process to achieve an effective result within the scope of cross-cultural communication. It leads to proper understanding of the ST message and reduces the mode of its misinterpretation in the TT. The pre-translation analysis of W. Saroyan’s “Dear Greta Garbo” allows to determine extra-textual environment, the text is created in and intra-textual elements, which put the author’s intention into effect. These key aspects of pre-translation analysis lead to the identification of local and global coherence, which creates mutual understanding of communicants both inside and outside the text. Despite several differences in two versions of the translation by O. Slobodkina and A. Ohanyan, they do not seriously deviate from the ST corresponding units and do not lose the pragmatic/cognitive value of the original. In both versions in terms of communicative/functional aspect of the impact on the Russian speaking readership the situation described in the story is easily revealed: the Russian speaking receptor undergoes definitely the desired impact and the translators achieve basically the translation targeted cognitive and emotional goals.   

Author Biography

Gayane Gasparyan, Brusov State University

D.Sc., Full Professor at the Department of English Communication and Translation at Brusov State University, Armenia; Vice-president of AASE (Member of the Association of the European Society for the Study of English, Armenian Branch); Member of the Advisory Board of the International Scientific Journal “Translation Studies: Theory and Practice.”


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How to Cite

Gasparyan, G. (2022). W. Saroyan’s “Dear Greta Garbo” from the Perspective of Pre-translation Analysis. Translation Studies: Theory and Practice, 2(2 (4), 27–40. https://doi.org/10.46991/TSTP/2022.2.2.026


