
  • Mary Avetisyan Yerevan State Univerrsity



higher education system, management educational bodies, financing, grading, credit system, admission, structure of higher education, free education.


Change, reform and improvement of higher education in any country is one of the main factors of its successful development. This article shows the features and characteristics of the management of higher education systems in two European countries - France and Greece, stressing the similarities and differences in their structure, organization of the educational process and its productivity.
One of the characteristics of the French higher education system is the severe centralization of its administration in the field of education carried out by the French Ministry of National Education, which is the central management educational bodies. There is a special board with the Supreme Council of National Education that is functioning within the Ministry of National Education and is a subject of its subordination. The Board provides a high level of teaching staff, while simultaneously solving various issues in the field of education.
In Greece, the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs conducts governance and control over the sphere of education and religious affairs. The highest administrative body of intra-university management is the University Senate, which includes the following senators (participants) - the rector and three vice-rectors, deans of different faculties, chairmen of various university schools, representatives of adjunct professors, senior teachers and lecturers, representatives of special laboratory teaching staff and administration and, finally, representatives from undergraduate and graduate students from each faculty. Further, other administrative bodies include the Rector's Council, Rector, faculties, school and department. The state finances both public and private universities.
The development of any country is directly related to the level of education, and therefore, for further social progress, the Greek government took upon itself the issues of financing of public universities, particularly, education at all levels in the country, as in France, is free. These privileges are also applicable for foreign students who, as in France, study free (or pay a minimum tuition), to receive higher education with a European diploma recognized in any country of the world.
It needs a bachelor's degree and the successful delivery of test material for the relevant specialty to enter the university in France. Foreigners is in need of a bachelor's degree and positive results in two type of exams- DELF and DALF.
As in France, admission process to the university in Greece takes place without entry exams with the presentation of a certificate of complete secondary education and a certificate of a language center to prove the knowledge of the Greek language.
The higher education entities in France can be divided into three groups: Universities, Higher Schools and Specialized Schools. Higher education in Greece can be obtained in university-type educational institutions, technical universities and private universities.
Teaching in France is mostly in French. Study at French universities consists of three cycles with 20-points grading system. A highly developed credit system is enforced here.
In the universities of Greece, teaching takes place in Greek with the use of English in some fields. The structure of higher education in Greece is based on three-stage system. Unlike France, Greece has a 10-point grading system with a less developed credit system.
Thus, a comparative analysis of the management of higher education systems in France and Greece concluded that the higher education system in France is characterized by increased state control, domination of public universities over private ones, minimum tuition fees, its versatility and flexibility, as well as a high level of education both in the capital and in the regions. As for Greece, diplomas from Greek universities are highly respected in many European countries. Their graduates find jobs there including in the spheres of science or teaching.


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How to Cite

Avetisyan, M. (2023). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF MANAGEMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEMS IN FRANCE AND GREECE. Education in the 21st Century, 1(5), 206–213.



Scientific branches of pedagogy