
  • Robert Azaryan Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan




myopia, school myopia, prevention, visual work, students, secondary school, teacher, school age


The article analyzes the results of studying the level of awareness of teachers in the
prevention of school myopia among students.
This problem is highly relevant, since literary data and practice show that many
healthy children go to the first grade and finish school when they acquire school myopia.
In matters of prevention of school myopia, a large place is given to teachers of secondary
schools. Therefore, the study of the level of awareness of teachers in the prevention of
school myopia in children has exceptional knowledge.
The results of the study indicate that of the 138 teachers surveyed in Yerevan,
Gyumri and Charentsavan in secondary schools, the overwhelming majority (98,5%) emphasized
the importance of carrying out work to prevent myopia in students. in practice,
31,9% of them purposefully and systematically do not carry out this work, 68,1% teachers
do it on a case-by-case basis, monitoring the compliance of the students with the
norms and correct work and rest the eyes. It is interesting to note that 63,7% teachers surveyed
frankly acknowledged that their work on the prevention of school myopia among
their students was unsatisfactory.
It was also established that the interviewed teachers, when organizing and conducting
work on the prevention of myopia, almost never use the scientific and methodological
literature and this problem for their students, but rely only on their own knowledge and
personal experience.
So, the conducted study indicates a lack of awareness among the respondents of
teachers about the prevention of school myopia among students. Along with this, unresolved
problems were identified and the main directions of their solution were identified.


Список использованной литературы

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Аветисов Э.С., Охрана зрения у детей, Москва: “Медицина”, 1975, 272 с.

Гнеушева А.Н., Охрана зрения детей дошкольного возраста. Москва: “Прос¬вяще-ние”, 1982, 152 с.

Земцоваа М.И., Учителю о детях с нарушением зрения, Москва, 1973, 159 с.

Литвак А.Г., Психология слепых и слабовидящих: Учеб. пособие. Рос. Гос.пед. ун.-т им. А. И. Герцена. СПб: Изд-во РГПУ, 1998, 271с.

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How to Cite

Azaryan, R. . (2023). LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE OF TEACHERS IN QUESTIONS ABOUT SHORT-SIGHTEDNESS OF STUDENTS. Education in the 21st Century, 1(1), 46–51. https://doi.org/10.46991/educ-21st-century.v1i1.10714

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